In 2007, Gayle Aschenbrenner founded Mrs. Cupcake while on a quest for the perfect cupcake experience. She had witnessed folks waiting in long lines and paying premium prices, only to devour dry cake topped with overly sweet rows of frosting long enough!!! Gayle coordinated a NYC cupcake crawl with pastry chef John Costello from the Culinary Institute in New York. After tasting and dissecting many competitors’ confectionary surprises, she launched Mrs. Cupcake with a cupcake that rivals the competition from ‘batter to frosting’. Starting with a collection of yellow and tattered family recipe cards inherited from her family back in North Carolina and her personal quest – the signature Mrs. Cupcake two bite mini evolved!! “Everyone loves the indulgence of a cupcake without the guilt. Our two bite minis score with all ages”! Corporate clients love cupcakes for events, birthdays, baby showers – even as wedding cakes or as take away gifts for their wedding guests. “It has been fun gifting Mrs. Cupcake’s two bite minis to the corporate clients I provide Executive Search and Coaching services “TEW” It gives me a reason to meet with TEW clients while differentiating me from the competition. Mrs. Cupcake’s business card mini packaging has been a huge success”!! |